Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
VB.Net Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Attributes
3) Class Module
4) Collections
5) Data Type
6) Database ADO Net
7) Date Time
8) Design Patterns
9) Development
10) Event
11) Generics
12) GUI
13) GUI Applications
14) Internationlization
15) Language Basics
16) LINQ
17) Operator
18) Reflection
19) Regular Expressions
20) Security
21) Socket Network
22) Statements
23) Stream File
24) Thread
25) Windows
26) WPF
27) XML
Data Type
1) Add two integers together
2) Append Char to StringBuilder
3) Array Reverse a string array
4) Array Sort a string array
5) Assign value to Enum elements
6) Assign value to only one Enum element
7) Assigning Nothing to a variable sets it to the default value for its declared type
8) Bit Shift left and right
9) Boolean value calculation
10) Boxing and unboxing Integer
11) Calcuate Single
12) Calculate the determinant of an array
13) Calculation with Single
14) Call Int64TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Int32)
15) Capitalize the first letter
16) Cast Integer to Enum value
17) Cast Integer to Short, Double to Single
18) Catch Exception for String Substring
19) Catch OverflowException
20) CBool
21) CBool(0)
22) CByte
23) CDbl
24) CDec
25) Change string case using the English-United States and Turkish-Turkey cultures and then compare
26) Change string to lower case and upper case
27) Change string to upper case by using UCase
28) Change tab to space
29) Char
30) Char Declaration
31) Char Equals
32) Char IsDigit
33) Char ToUpper
34) Check a Credit card number
35) ChrW
36) CInt
37) CLng
38) Compare Enum element using logic operator
39) Compare Integer value in If statement
40) Compare String value in If statement
41) Compare two strings using different CompareOptions settings
42) Comparing strings
43) Complex
44) Complex Number
45) Concat method with a String array
46) Concatenate vbTab with Integer
47) Convert a string into a 64-bit signed integer value using the Int64 Parse(String) method
48) Convert Double to Integer
49) Convert Enum to Integer
50) Convert string to base64string
51) Convert String to Char using System Convert ToChar
52) Convert string to value
53) Convert the part of a Byte array to a String with the ToString method
54) Convert ToBase64CharArray() and Convert FromBase64CharArray methods
55) Convert ToString( non-numeric types, IFormatProvider )
56) Converting an enumerated value to a string
57) Converts a substring within a string to an array of characters, then enumerates and displays the elements of the array
58) Converts Decimal numbers to SByte values using the explicit Decimal to SByte conversion
59) Converts Decimal numbers to UInt32 values using the explicit Decimal to UInt32 conversion
60) Converts the bit patterns of UInt32 values to Byte arrays with the GetBytes method
61) Copy characters from string1 into character Array
62) Count Vowels
63) Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the UInt64 type and Convert it back to a number
64) Create a string value that has four hexadecimal digits
65) Create Random String from String array
66) CSng
67) CStr
68) Decimal Compare
69) Decimal Divide
70) Decimal Floor
71) Decimal GetBits
72) Declare Char using c
73) Declare Double type variable and assign value
74) Declare Enum variable
75) Declare String Variable and assign value
76) Decmimal calculation
77) Define and loop through double value array
78) Define and use Enum as Integer
79) Define Boolean value and use it in If statement
80) Define double and output its value
81) Define Enum and assign value
82) Define Integer variable and assign value
83) Demonstrates IsWhiteSpace
84) Demonstrating method GetHashCode of class String
85) Demonstrating method Replace
86) Demonstrating methods Insert and Remove of the StringBuilder class
87) Demonstrating overflows with and without checking
88) Demonstrating StartsWith and EndsWith methods
89) Demonstrating String class constructors
90) Demonstrating StringBuilder Append methods
91) Demonstrating StringBuilder class constructors
92) Determines whether a string is normalized to various normalization forms(String Normalize and the String IsNormalized method).tx
93) Display a 16-bit unsigned integer value by using each standard format string and some custom format strings
94) Display a Matrix
95) Display negative SByte value using the standard numeric format specifiers and a number of specific CultureInfo objects
96) Divide Decimal by double
97) Do calculation between Integer and Decimal
98) Double format
99) Double IsNaN()
100) Double IsNegativeInfinity()
101) Double IsPositiveInfinity()
102) Double withwithout format
103) Duplicate a string
104) EndsWith method
105) Enum value duplication
106) Explicit conversion of an integer to a string
107) Find the index of the last occurrence of any character in the string is within another string
108) Fix
109) Format
110) Get Epsilon from Double
111) Get Epsilon from Single
112) Get string index by using InStr
113) Get string morse code
114) GetUnicodeCategory from Char
115) Hex
116) Hexadecimal Byte, UInteger and Integer
117) If the variable is of a reference type, a value of Nothing is a null value
118) Implicit casting of quotient to an integer
119) Implicit conversion of an integer to a string
120) Insert line separator
121) Insert method of StringBuilder
122) Insert method returns the resulting string
123) Insert sub string by index
124) Instr
125) Integer boolean calculation
126) Integer calculation
127) Integer Family MaxValue
128) Integer format
129) Integer GetType
130) Integer OverflowException
131) Interpret numeric strings as a hexadecimal value and convert it to an unsigned long integer
132) Invert a matrix
133) Is a string a numeric value
134) IsDBNull
135) IsMatch(String) determines whether a string is a valid to Regular expression
136) IsNumeric, IsDate, IsNothing
137) Join string
138) LCase
139) Left
140) Len
141) Long = &H1000&
142) Long = 1 Or 2
143) Loop through characters in string and display reversed
144) Make a reference copy
145) Math Round with IRR
146) Microsoft VisualBasic Left
147) Mid(string, 4, 5)
148) Mid(string, 7)
149) MinValue and MaxValue of Decimal
150) MinValue and MaxValue of Integer
151) MinValue and MaxValue of Long
152) MinValue and MaxValue of Short
153) NewLine sign
154) Nullable(Of T) GetValueOrDefault methods
155) Numeric format
156) Output ControlChars Tab
157) PadLeft, PadRight and PadCenter
158) PadLeft, PadRight and PadCenter with dot
159) Parse Double
160) Parse double value
161) Parse Integer
162) Parse Integer variable and get hash code from Integer
163) Parse UShort value
164) Parse(String) method converts an array of strings to equivalent Single values
165) Pass Integer to a function by reference
166) Pass Integer to a function by value
167) Pass Single by value and by reference to a Sub
168) Passing Char values to Val
169) Passing formatted numeric values to Val
170) Passing String values to Val
171) Performance difference between String and StringBuilder
172) Precision Error
173) Public Enum type
174) Read Double value from Keyboard
175) Read String value from Keyboard
176) Remove white space in a string
177) Reorder chars in a string
178) Replace a sub string with Replace
179) Replace method
180) Replace substring with another substring
181) Return the index of the string
182) Reverse a string
183) Right
184) Short Overflow
185) Show difference precision of Single and Double
186) Show difference precision of Single and Double (1)
187) Show Net Command Types
188) Sign Bit
189) Single Double MaxValue and Memory Size
190) Single Double MaxValue and Memory Size (1)
191) Solve equations using matrices
192) Standard Enumeration Format Specifiers
193) Store data in a multivalue array
194) String and char array
195) String array
196) String Compare with case sensitive and insensitive
197) String Concatenate
198) String Copy
199) String Empty
200) String Equals with overloaded operator, member method and static member method
201) String Format
202) String handling function
203) String Index of any
204) String Length property
205) String operation timing
206) String Pad
207) String Split
208) String split by using the Split, String Split()
209) StringBuilder
210) StringBuilder AppendFormat
211) StringBuilder ToStrings
212) Strings And Byte Arrays
213) StringWriter and StringReader
214) SubString
215) Swap two integers without using a third
216) ToCharArray methods
217) ToString
218) Two dimensional string array
219) UCase
220) ULong of Decimal
221) ULong of Hex
222) ULong of Oct
223) Use CType to convert Char to String
224) Use CType to convert from derived class to base class
225) Use Equal to compare Data type
226) Use For Each Loop to output a String array
227) Use IndexOf to locate a character in a string
228) Use IndexOf to locate a substring in a string
229) Use IndexOfAny to find first occurrence of character in array
230) Use Integer CompareTo to compare two integers
231) Use LastIndexOf to find a character in a string
232) Use LastIndexOf to find a substring in a string
233) Use LastIndexOfAny to find first occurrence of character in array
234) Use Regular Expression to Split string
235) Use String Compare to check if a URI is a file URI
236) Use String Concat to concatenate two strings
237) Use StringBuilder Indexer
238) Use StringBuilder to reverse a string
239) Use the CompareTo method with another String
240) Use the LastIndexOf(Char) method to find the last directory separator character in a string
241) Use the overloaded operator
242) Use the overloaded operator (=) to copy string
243) Use the String Copy method
244) Use the StringSplitOptions enumeration to include or exclude substrings generated by the Split method
245) VbNewLine
246) WeakReference
247) Whether a string is the prefix or suffix of another string
248) Wrapped Type